One of the wisdoms I have discovered in life is that everything I can look at, open up to and welcome in myself, I can also see in someone else. The deeper you can go inward, the deeper you can go outward. Self-reflection, inquisitiveness and the necessary discipline are key words when it comes to my own development. I always want to learn from life. Continuing to develop myself gives me fulfillment because there is a strong desire to live my life to its full potential. Life presented me with plenty of challenges. Apparently, I wanted to learn a lot. Not only to enrich myself, but also to be able to contribute to others. It’s a deep desire, born out of the wound of my own history. From that personal development, I have gained more connection and real contact, which is rooted in the space where vulnerability and strength come together. Sometimes it disappears in the background momentarily. But knowing how to get back to it, is the journey it’s about for me.
In my work as a counsellor, I bring my personal expertise from my life experience together with my professional expertise. Feedback I get back from participants about who I am includes: loving, clear, high integrity, careful, authentic, profound, humorous, lightness, identifies what is felt but not said. I like to work on the cutting edge, exactly what it is about. Our body is our instrument to feel, so I include it in everything I do. Our body does not lie and shows the way to what has become hidden. I invite to welcome what has been lost, so that all split-off parts of ourselves are reconnected to the heart.
I followed a lot of education, trainings and psychotherapeutic courses like the Dutch Academy for Spiritual Integration, as well as various courses at Phoenix Education in the Netherlands, including Systemic Work, Professional Guidance, The intimate relationship as a mirror, The Mask maker and Train the trainer. Furthermore, I followed the courses Seven windows to the soul and Techniques of the Mind - Body Integration with Anodea Judith (author Handbook Chakrapychology). I followed a year-long Tantra course, based on Tibetan Buddhism and a year course 'How do I love you' at Piet Weisfelt. At HeartMath Benelux I was trained as a HeartMath Therapist. In addition to these courses, I have followed all kinds of seminars and training courses in the field of Trauma work, from Family constellations to Trauma constellations, from Past Reality Integration to attachment, relationships, intimacy and sexuality.
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